in the old days...

All I ever wanted was just to hang out, you and me, like in the old days.
Us against the world, protected by our shields.
All I ever wanted was for you to sacrifice some of your precious time, like we used to.
But back then it was necessary for your addiction, now you've found something that triggers you more.
So, if this is what we've come to, if this is all there is, are we really satisfied?
So, if this was our last night, our last few hours, is this really the best we can make out of them?
Isn't there a voice in your head, as well as in mine, that says that this is going downhill?
That this ain't right?
So, go now go, spend your time with your everyday-hang outs and I'll mind my own business
and never ask for the invitation that never comes.
Go now go, you've made your point, our time is not valuable anymore.....

.....and I don't even know if I care anymore.

Postat av: Anna


ring lite oftare! så ja begripur lile dej

2010-10-18 @ 23:25:07

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